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SPX | Best Php Training Trivandrum






Install the extension

Development status

Basic usage

CLI script

HTTP request

Advanced usage


Available parameters

SPX_KEY The secret key, required for HTTP request profiling.
SPX_ENABLED0Whether to enable SPX profiler (i.e. triggering profiling). When disabled there is no performance impact on your application.
SPX_BUILTINS0Whether to instrument internal functions.
SPX_DEPTH0The stack depth at which profiling must stop (i.e. aggregate measures of deeper calls). 0 (default value) means unlimited.
SPX_METRICSwt,zmComma separated list of available metric keys to monitor. All output types, except Google's Trace Event Format, take advantage of multi-metric profiling.
SPX_OUTPUTfpSelected output key.
SPX_OUTPUT_FILECLI only. Custom output file. If not specified it will be generated in /tmp and displayed on STDERR at the end of the script.
SPX_FP_FOCUSwtMetric key for flat profile sort.
SPX_FP_INC0Whether to sort functions by inclusive value instead of exclusive value in flat profile.
SPX_FP_REL0Whether to display metric values as relative (i.e. percentage) in flat profile.
SPX_FP_LIMIT10The flat profile size (i.e. top N shown functions).
SPX_FP_LIVE0For CLI only. Whether to enabled flat profile live refresh. Since it uses ANSI escape sequences, it uses STDOUT as output, replacing script output (both STDOUT & STDERR). It also does not work if you have specified a custom output file.
SPX_TRACE_SAFE0The trace file is by default written in a way to enforce accuracy, but in case of process crash (e.g. segfault) some logs could be lost. If you want to enforce security (e.g. to find the last event before a crash) you just have to set this parameter to 1.

Setting parameters for CLI script

Setting parameters for HTTP request


Security concern


 spx.http_enabled0PHP_INI_SYSTEMWhether to enable profiling of HTTP requests.
 spx.http_keyPHP_INI_SYSTEMThe secret key. You can use the following command to generate a 16 bytes random key as an hex string: openssl rand -hex 16.
 spx.http_ip_varREMOTE_ADDRPHP_INI_SYSTEMThe $_SERVER key holding the client IP address. Overriding the default value is required when your application is behind a reverse proxy.
 spx.http_ip_whitelistPHP_INI_SYSTEMThe IP address white list as a comma separated list of IP addresses.
Private environment

Best practices


Available metrics

wtWall TimeThe absolute elapsed time.
ctCPU TimeThe time spent while running on CPU.
itIdle TimeThe time spent off CPU, that means waiting for CPU, I/O completion, a lock acquisition... or explicitly sleeping.
zmZend Engine memoryZend Engine memory usage. Equivalent to memory_get_usage(false).
zrZend Engine root buffer lengthRoot buffer length, see explanation here. It could be helpful to track pressure on garbage collector.
zoZend Engine object countNumber of objects currently held by user code.
zeZend Engine error countNumber of raised PHP errors.
ioI/O (reads + writes)Bytes read or written while performing I/O.
iorI/O (reads)Bytes read while performing I/O.
iowI/O (writes)Bytes written while performing I/O.


Available outputs

KeyNameSupported metricsMulti metricsDescription
fpFlat profileAllYesThe flat profile provided by SPX. It is the default output and is directly printed on STDOUT (CLI) or in place of response body (HTTP).
cgCallgrindAllYesA file in Callgrind format to be analyzed with KCachegrind or similar.
gteGoogle's Trace Event FormatTime metricsNoA file in Google's Trace Event Format to be analyzed with Chromium's / Chrome's about:tracing.
traceTrace fileAllYesA custom format (human readable text) trace file.


HTTP request / KCachegrind


HTTP request / about:tracing


CLI script / trace file

$ SPX_ENABLED=1 SPX_OUTPUT=trace SPX_OUTPUT_FILE=trace.txt ./bin/console > /dev/null && head -20 trace.txt && echo ... && tail -20 trace.txt
 Wall Time                      | ZE memory                      |
 Cum.     | Inc.     | Exc.     | Cum.     | Inc.     | Exc.     | Depth    | Function
      0us |      0us |      0us |       0B |       0B |       0B |        1 | +/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/bin/console
    994us |      0us |      0us |    1.3KB |       0B |       0B |        2 |  +/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/autoload.php
    1.3ms |      0us |      0us |   11.3KB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   +/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
    1.3ms |      3us |      3us |   11.3KB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   -/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php
    1.3ms |      0us |      0us |   10.9KB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   +ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::getLoader
    1.3ms |      0us |      0us |   11.9KB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::loadClassLoader
    2.3ms |      0us |      0us |   51.6KB |       0B |       0B |        5 |     +ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
    2.3ms |      1us |      1us |   51.6KB |       0B |       0B |        5 |     -ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php
    2.3ms |    1.0ms |    1.0ms |   51.3KB |   39.4KB |   39.4KB |        4 |    -ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::loadClassLoader
    2.7ms |      0us |      0us |   91.5KB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
    2.7ms |      1us |      1us |   91.5KB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    -ComposerAutoloaderInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/vendor/composer/autoload_static.php
    2.7ms |      0us |      0us |   91.2KB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::getInitializer
    2.7ms |      5us |      5us |   92.0KB |     856B |     856B |        4 |    -Composer\Autoload\ComposerStaticInita657e2f64bf98eb70db4e96bba0d4058::getInitializer
    2.7ms |      0us |      0us |   92.0KB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::Composer\Autoload\{closure}
    2.7ms |      5us |      5us |   91.2KB |    -856B |    -856B |        4 |    -Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::Composer\Autoload\{closure}
    2.7ms |      0us |      0us |   91.2KB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::register
    2.7ms |      6us |      6us |   91.3KB |     128B |     128B |        4 |    -Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader::register
  126.6ms |   24.6ms |     10us |    6.1MB |  874.8KB |     488B |        4 |    -Symfony\Component\Console\Application::doRun
  126.6ms |   97.2ms |     27us |    6.1MB |    4.9MB |       0B |        3 |   -Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application::doRun
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   +Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler::handleFatalError
  126.6ms |      4us |      4us |    6.1MB |  -12.0KB |  -12.0KB |        3 |   -Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler::handleFatalError
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   +Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::__destruct
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler::close
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        5 |     +Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::close
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        5 |     -Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::close
  126.6ms |      1us |      1us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    -Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ConsoleHandler::close
  126.6ms |      3us |      2us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   -Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::__destruct
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   +Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::__destruct
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::close
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    -Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::close
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   -Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::__destruct
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   +Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::__destruct
  126.6ms |      0us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    +Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler::close
  126.6ms |      2us |      2us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        4 |    -Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler::close
  126.6ms |      2us |      0us |    6.1MB |       0B |       0B |        3 |   -Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler::__destruct
  126.6ms |  105.6ms |     38us |    6.1MB |    5.2MB |     624B |        2 |  -Symfony\Component\Console\Application::run
  126.6ms |  126.6ms |    1.0ms |    6.1MB |    6.1MB |    1.6KB |        1 | -/home/sylvain/dev/sf_app/bin/console



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